Guest Book

Tell us a little about your history since leaving High School.

Or tell us a short story you remember from High School.

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41 entries.
Gerry Bastie Gerry Bastie from West Paradise, Nova Scotia wrote on February 2, 2020 at 2:50 pm
School was something that took all the fun out of growing up. First male teacher was Leo Garagan, he changed my life. Strapped daily by Mrs Spencer for calling Mr. Garagan names. Mr. Willett probably turned me around. My last years in school I never seen the inside of Mrs Nickerson's office or Mr. Currie's. Want to thank the following class mates, which I have never seen since the 1960's for allowing me to be their school friends. Margaret Allum, Jackie Lannigan, Karen Baigent, Veronica Aiken, Lorraine Bennett who tried to tutor me, so I could finish my education, how nice was that.My first job was at Olands (my father got it for me). Lied to get into the Forces, they were taking anyone is those days, finished my education thru correspondence courses and when posted to Halifax (sea duty) got lucky to have a former Army guy working in Employment and Immigration offered me a job. 120 employees only 3 of us were male. Married twice, two boys, retired from Mississauga and returned to Nova Scotia, met Margaret Ann, love History. hate English take pictures, walk our dogs. Have only 30 friends on my Facebook account and a few groups. I like Donald Trump, so have 66 million plus Canadians who hate me, never been big on odds. This is not my email address,, so following the stupid Note.
Butch Foley Butch Foley from Valley wrote on December 18, 2019 at 9:38 am
since leaving school I enjoyed a 28 year career with the military.I retired in1989 ,worked for 13more years at several professions ending in 2002.we then spent the next 16 winters in Florida with a lot of traveling thrown in.We now live in the valley and will be doing our traveling from there jim
Linda Bennett Linda Bennett from Halifax, N.S. wrote on June 21, 2018 at 8:21 pm
Well 2018 BCSH Reunion is now in our memory bank and pictures.
I would like to thank the other Committee members whom I worked along side with, to make this vision a hugh success. New friends made, past school friends reintroduced and lots of fun. I do believe we conquered what we set out to do. Thoroughly enjoyed it all.
BCSH students are a force to be reckoned with. In our own way, we put Spryfield on the map for all the right reasons. Cheers
Eddy Jack Eddy Jack from Dartmouth wrote on June 18, 2018 at 5:02 pm
Final farewell… by Eddy Jack… As webmaster for the BC Silver reunion I dedicate this story to all my fellow students…
The reunion is over and all the feedback has been very positive…
The following story is one that really happened but may have gone unnoticed by fellow students.
It was grade 12 math class with Miss Fancy… As you may recall, Miss Fancy was very young but a no-nonsense kind of person. Her short skirts were what most of the guys remember… In fact 1 or 2 of the boys, NOT ME, took it on themselves to write things on the very top of the blackboard just before she arrived to class… She, of course, would need to erase this before she got started… You see where I am going with this… She eventually caught onto this shenanigan and had one of the taller boys, erase the blackboard before she started… She NEVER had me do this … For reasons that will become clear later.
I always did very well in math class and was on several occasions asked by Miss Fancy to help other students… I don’t know if I was a “teacher’s pet” but she certainly liked me.
When the staff were choosing who would go to the 67 world’s fair in Montreal, she campaigned for me, but Allen Goodyear was chosen… The only reason I know this was because my best friend Barry was chosen and she felt sorry for me and wanted me to know she supported me.
Now for the point of this story…
One day in math class, I was sitting next to Jackie Lanigan, as usual… Jackie was also pretty good in math so Miss Fancy didn’t mind if we talked to each other, she seem to ignore us… For the most part.
The bell rings to end the class and I get up from my seat and start toward the door… At that moment Jackie makes the decision to “belt” me in the arm… I cannot remember if it was a closed fist this time or a slap… But it was something I had become accustomed to since grade 2, when she hit me with her skipping rope. The skipping rope incidents affected my mother much more than me… Whenever Jackie’s name was mentioned my mother would say… “Is that the bad girl that hit you with her skipping rope?”… Some mothers never forget…
Well, almost immediately, Miss Fancy call out “EDWARD”, and asked me to remain after class… Now I knew I couldn’t be in trouble, because this teacher actually liked me… I was very puzzled…
After everyone had left the room and I was close to her desk… She says, “I have noticed you getting hit by several girls. Is there a problem? What’s going on?” She was concerned that I was being bullied… Here I was at 6’ 2” being bullied by a 5 foot nothing, Jackie Lanigan… Or so she thought… She apparently saw other girls hitting me also on other occasions, and asked “Why are the girls hitting you?”
Well at this point my mind was racing trying to come up with some reasonable explanation for the assaults. My mind was a BLANK… but I remember thinking… Say something… ANYTHING… But don’t get the girls in trouble…
My only response was “They were not very good at accepting insults”.
She gave me a funny look and belted me in the arm… Saying “GET OUT”…
It was never spoken of again.
Irene MacAdams Irene MacAdams from Halifax wrote on June 17, 2018 at 12:06 pm
I left Halifax in 1969 and joined the military I spent a total of 24 years and traveled the world. After retiring from that did numerous things including working as a civilian for the New Zealand Navy. I returned to Halifax a few years ago, not good with actual dates, and retired about 4 years ago.
I enjoyed the reunion enormously and remembered more people than I thought I would!
Still a traveler at heart always looking for new adventures.
Terry Shannon (Garagan) Terry Shannon (Garagan) wrote on June 15, 2018 at 11:41 am
After leaving Halifax in 1972, I spent a 15 months in Goose Bay, where I met my husband, Ray. Later returned to school and became a Legal Assistant/Paralegal. Ray and I have been married 45 years, and that's how long I have been living in Illinois. We have two daughters, two granddaughters, two sons-in-law, two granddogs, and a cat. I would have loved to come to the reunion but previously committed to Ray's family reunion the same weekend (and I had expended a lot of energy convincing him we should go). But hoping to see Jeanne in August. Have fun!
Donna (Currie)Silver Donna (Currie)Silver from Prospect Bay wrote on June 15, 2018 at 10:09 am
It’s been a long time since ‘68! I went to MSVU, got married in ‘71, had two daughters and now I’m lucky to have 3 grand-daughters and 1 grandson. After working with the Halifax School Board as Library Support Staff, I retired in 2005 and have been traveling with my husband . We have a very large garden ( 8 acres) and spent most of our Nova Scotia summers in it! Hope you’ll join us on Sunday and we can continue our reminiscing!
Jeanne Velthuis-Reyno Jeanne Velthuis-Reyno from Den Helder wrote on June 15, 2018 at 5:51 am
After grade 11, I went to Vocational School and got a secretarial diploma. Worked for years in different offices and firms, chartered accountants, legal and medical. In 1981, I met my future husband, Thomas Velthuis (Royal Dutch Navy) in Halifax. He'd asked me to come to the Netherlands and marry him but I was thinking, how could I, someone who could not easily be outside of Halifax for too long, give up everything and take off to a foreign country. Well, I did it, and although I am sorry to say, my wonderful husband passed away in April, 2011, we had a lot of good years together. I have a daughter who is 32 and two grandsons, the loves of my life and good friends as well. So much more to tell but we'd better leave it at this for now. 🙂
Lorne Logan Lorne Logan from Halifax wrote on June 14, 2018 at 4:46 pm
After graduating grade 12 in 1965 and taking a ‘gap year’, seeing the country and working for MT&T, CPR, etc. (marks too low to get into SMU, yet – I majored in snooker and minored in pool in high school), I got accepted by SMU (interviewed by the Registrar, Kevin Cleary, who was a fine person and flexible in his interpretation of the rules) and got a BA in sociology, followed by an MA in from Dal. I then taught sociology for Lakehead Univ. and Univ. of Manitoba, the latter based in Thompson. I also taught academic upgrading on reserves in N. Manitoba. In 1978, I returned east with my wife and son in tow and did: tourism research for Parks Canada; airport planning for Transport Canada; ‘soft skills’ training for DND, etc. At 49, I also picked up an M. Ed in adult education and did some part-time teaching at MSV. I met my second wife, Sandra in 1989, have a 41-year-old son (manager at Golf Central in Bayers Lake) and a live-wire 6-year-old grand-daughter. I semi-retired at 57 and did some consulting work for two years. Travel, volunteer work, ‘honey-dos’, family and dog give my life purpose these days.
Allan Goodyear Allan Goodyear from Stillwater Lake, NS wrote on June 14, 2018 at 1:49 pm
Since graduating in ‘68, I went to Dal, graduating with a B.Comm in ‘71, I worked in retail, at Eaton’s for the next four and a half years. In Nov ‘75, I joined the RCMP, and served around Canada ( NL, BC, Nunavut, Ottawa HQ, and finally here in NS ) in general duties and in commercial crime. In the early ‘90's, I served with the RCMP contingent to the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in the former Yugoslavia twice for a total of 14 months. I retired in 2011 after 35 years. In the midst of all this, including eight moves, I’ve been married to my wonderful wife Diane for 45 years. During all that time, Diane deserves all the credit for raising our two lovely daughters Alla and Kate, while she worked hard attaining her RN in ‘88 (while we were in St.John’s, NL) and working as a critical coronary care nurse in four provinces until she retired in 2014. I have to say I had a great working life with plenty of variety and in the process met many interesting people. Looking forward to again meeting the many BC Silver students who I have not seen since ‘68.
Marilyn (Hue) Bowlby Marilyn (Hue) Bowlby from Halifax wrote on June 14, 2018 at 12:34 pm
Left B.C. Silver after Grade 11, graduated from Middleton Regional High 1965, Secretarial Diploma and B.A. Degree (History-Economics) from Mount Saint Vincent University. Lived in Toronto, Truro, Yukon, Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.). Halifax resident now. Worked in various administrative positions across the country. Two sons who live locally, 2 beautiful granddaughters. Retired and enjoying various craft-related hobbies, attending lectures, hiking, and playing flute in the Halifax Concert Band.
Chris Oakley Chris Oakley from Williamswood wrote on June 14, 2018 at 1:55 am
When I left school worked at different jobs & found them boring , at 29 became a Master Mason , u know pyramids , great walls , castles . Been married to Sylvia for 47 years , 2 kids , 1 grandchild 5 months . She's a teacher , he's in Calgary and works for Edward Jones , Tom's cousin.Lived in Calgary late 70s , that's where we made the family fortune . When we retired the fun really started . 2013 we looked after a ranch in Alberta for the summer , there was 8 horses , a Llama and 6 wolves . I rode a mustang most days (not the car) .That's where I got my nickname . Back in the 60s Tommy Wombolt taught me to play guitar . Those 4 chords took me a long way . Sang Hank's I'm movin on on stage at the RYMAN in Nashville , recorded in Nashville , stayed 10 days at Hank Snows house in Madison . Sang Blue Christmas in the Medit at ion Gardens at Graceland . Thanks Tommy.
Visited Ken n Texas , became friends with the Dills (the pumpkin people in Windsor )met Bobby Hull,also met John Buchanan at the Dollar store in Spryfield.Got a motorcycle .I don't know what will happen tomorrow . ..
RoseMarie Pierce RoseMarie Pierce from Gibsons wrote on June 11, 2018 at 5:47 pm
RoseMarie Pierce from the Sunshine Coast of BC wrote on June 11, 2018. After 4 years at Dalhousie University and a degree in Pharmacy, I worked as a pharmacist in Halifax until my husband (university sweet heart with a Masters in Geology) and I left for Calgary in 1977. There our 2 daughters were born. I became very involved in raising them holistically, I helped found the Calgary Waldorf School and did studies in a Masters of Herbology program at Wild Rose College. Most of my career has been as a Holistic Pharmacist. My two brothers (Robert 3 yrs. younger and Richard 11 yrs. younger) developed in Vancouver, Health Food manufacturing, formulation & distribution companies. I am involved with them & other companies as a formulator, educator and spokesperson. I have lived with my second husband David of 19 yrs. in Gibsons, B.C. and am still actively researching, formulating, writing and lecturing. My website is . So happy to be coming and seeing you all again.
Lorraine Boutilier (new Bennett) Lorraine Boutilier (new Bennett) from Moncton wrote on June 10, 2018 at 3:00 pm
After BC Silver went to Vocational School to pursue a career in bookkeeping and accounting which led to a wonderful rewarding career in office management and administration. Retired 09/17. Have 2 handsome sons , one in Moncton one in St. Catharines, ON and 5 grandchildren (4 girls & 1 boy). Married the “love if my life” Earl in 1978, lived in Halifax and Mississauga, ON, settling in Moncton for the last 30 years. Sadly have been widowed for 5 years. So looking forward to reconnect with friends and acquaintances.
Keith Helpard Keith Helpard from Timberlea wrote on June 9, 2018 at 3:12 pm
I will try to do this in the short version.
After leaving B.C. Silver I went to vocational school to study photography. I am still not sure why. Then took a position as Service Manager with Dodge City in Dartmouth for eight years and then went to Ocean Glass ( Speedy Glass ) to manage the store on Kempt Road for thirty-two years. Retired at 59 and started volunteering.
Kept playing in bands up to the early 90’s and started back at it in 2009. Just a bunch of old guys having fun.
Married my high school sweetheart Patricia ( Pat Flemming ) in 1968 and yes she has put up with me all these years. We have three children and Pat did a great job raising them.
I still get to talk with some of the friends made while at B.C. Silver but I miss so many that are not with us anymore.
Ollie McDermid Ollie McDermid from East Lahave, Lunenburg Co. NS wrote on June 9, 2018 at 3:03 pm
Where to start? My last year at BC Silver High was 1969 (Grade 11). I graduated from
J L Ilsley High in 1970 with Grade 12 and an Accounting Certificate. I later attended Mount St Vincent and SMU as a mature student. In 1973 I married my high school sweetheart, John Druhan, and we have one son that lives in Toronto. For the next few years I followed John around the country while he worked as a pipefitter. We have lived in Halifax, Prince George BC, Edmonton Ab, Saint John NB, Fall River NS, Dartmouth & Halifax (in that order). I worked at the NS Liquor Comm Head Office, Boys & Girls Club NS, Prince George Pulp & Paper, NB Tel and the Council of Maritime Premiers NB. Upon returning to NS, where John took a job teaching at NSCC, I worked 22 years at CRA and then 9 years before retiring moved to Industry Canada where I worked as an Official Receiver with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. I retired in 2007 and have to say that this is the best job that I have ever had! We now live in East Lahave, Lunenburg Co on the beautiful Lahave River. My cottage is an apartment in Clayton Park. I figure if the city folk can have their cottages in Lunenburg County then I can have mine in the city. Life is good! Looking forward to seeing some "old faces" at the reunion. And I mean that in the nicest way! Cheers!
Bary Duggan Bary Duggan from Halifax wrote on June 8, 2018 at 4:43 pm
Did my time at BC Silver. Did my time at MT&T. Retired at age 49. Now keeping busy with my hobby- Lobster fishing. Married Marlene in 1973 and bought our “starter home” in the Cove. I was born in Purcell’s Cove and am very proud to say I have never left the Cove. We have one daughter, son-in-law, and one fantastic grandson. We have made our “starter home” - our home for life!! Life is great!!!
Robert (Bob) Moody Robert (Bob) Moody from Oakfield, N.S. wrote on June 6, 2018 at 8:12 pm
Very recently retired, wife Janet and I are living in Oakfield, N.S. and enjoying more time with family including 2 adult kids and 5 grandkids, 6 1/2 years and under!
I actually left B.C. from grade 11, and did my B. Comm. at St. Mary’s which led me to a 46 career mostly in the public sector with also stints in the private and not for profit sectors. While most of those years were with the Province of N.S., I had opportunities to serve in all four orders of government including 3 exciting years in the arctic helping to set up the new Territory of Nunavut. Along the way I completed master and doctoral degrees in management with my last appointment prior to retirement in Dec. was as Director of the School of Public Administration, Dalhousie.
I am very much looking forward to re-connecting with high school buddies and friends from Thornhill Park!
Larry Kennedy Larry Kennedy from Halifax, NS wrote on May 28, 2018 at 12:25 am
Larry Kennedy from Halifax wrote on April 2, 2018 at 6:06 pm:
1st Career-Theatre Management (Capitol Theatre - Halifax, Sackville Drive-In Theatre, etc.). 2nd-Real Estate Sales & Management. 3rd-Real Estate Services Manager-DND-CFB Hfx., retiring in 2014. Married my High School sweetheart, Linda MacDonald, and we have 2 daughters, and 4 Grandchildren. Have lived in Stellarton, NS, Saint John, NB, & finally, Spryfield, Sackville, Spryfield again, & Halifax, since returning to N.S., in 1971.
Doreen Logan (Greeley) Doreen Logan (Greeley) from Halifax wrote on May 16, 2018 at 11:21 am
I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone at this reunion. After high school, I pretty much lived away from Nova Scotia but I just moved back to Halifax last summer after living 30 years in Calgary (with a 2 year stint in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Decided to try something different and opened a Pilates Studio but as life happens ended up back in Calgary). I was working as a Controller for an Architect firm in Calgary. I have two beautiful sons and am enjoying this little old house in the west end of Halifax