BC Silver High School

Welcome to the BC Silver High School Alumni Web Site.

You can register and get regular updates on our social activities by filling in the contact form on Sign Up page.

This site contains compete Year Books for 1962 to 1969. Pictures from reunions and social events. Old Spryfield pictures. Registration forms. Guest Book. Updates on social events. In Memoriam.

A social get together and dance at a local Pub has been arranged for Saturday, October 19th, 2024. Our plan is to allow people to have something to eat then socialize and enjoy the band.
If you feel like re-connecting with your old school chums the details are as follows:
Place: Mill Cove Brew Pub (Formally known as Brewesters)  961 Bedford Highway…
Time: 6:00PM
Band starts at 9:00PM with a $5.00 cover charge.
Band: 4 Way Stop
There should be plenty time for socializing before the band starts.

 Organizing Committee:

Back: Eddy Jack/Linda Bennett/Al Goodyear/Larry Kennedy/Ethel Jack

Front: Sandi Hogan/Barry Zwicker/Cecilia Brooks/Betty Anne McGinnis

The way we were…

We can always use more help with organizing the events, just email us.

If you have questions… Email us us at: bcsilver.reunion@gmail.com .

Please sign our Guest Book to tell us what you have been doing since high school. if you have any old student pictures you can upload them on the Reunion Pictures page or email them to: bcsilver.reunion@gmail.com and we will share them here.

Chebucto News

Spryfield Business Commission

Register by clicking on the following link and filling in the contact form.

Contact Form Link

Web Master: Ed Jack